Other works
Salt River
A stage play set in South Africa in a household of one ‘madam’ and three ‘maids’ on the day apartheid crumbles. Performed at the Oval Theatre, Off Stage Theatre and Waterford Theatre and toured. Nominated for a Timeout Award
Venus Bar
A Radio play in which a chocoholic wins a competition which enables her to find out a dark secret about chocolate that brings down a whole chocolate empire. Produced by BBC Radio Drama.
Postcards from the Swamp
A romantic comedy set in the Okavanga Swamp produced by BBC Radio Drama.
Confessions of a Love Addict
A journalist investigates the murky territory of sex and love addiction just enough to convince herself she is one and manages to lose her job, her boyfriend and her sanity. A dark romantic comedy produced by BBC Radio Drama
Writers Block Workshop
Two women who know nothing about the subject of writing conduct a writers block workshop for ulterior motives and get people unblocked with unexpected and unwanted consequences. A comedy produced by BBC Radio Drama
Ten Plastic Roses published in the Bristol Short Story Prize Anthology 3
A flash in the Park – published in It’s dark in London by SelfMadeHero